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Liability Options

Auto | Motorcycle | Commercial

Liability insurance for cars and motorcycles is responsible for paying for bodily injuries and property damage incurred by others as a result of the operation of your vehicle(s).

At Eastwood Car Insurance we make it easy for our customers to save hundreds of dollars on their liability auto insurance and liability motorcycle insurance by shopping through multiple quotes from multiple auto insurance providers. This website is owned and operated by SkyBlue Insurance Agency Inc.- licensed to do business in 28 states throughout the US and authorized dealers of more than a dozen auto insurance and motorcycle insurance providers. Click on read more below to get free quotes and information on the liability insurance options where you live.

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Liability Car Insurance Information

Eastwood Car Insurance customers can get free quotes on auto liability insurance coverage, but in order to understand why that is important, we must first define liability and understand what liability car insurance is and why we need it. 

When someone says, "you 'oughta trim your bushes, they're starting to become a liability!" what they mean is, "If your bushes directly or indirectly cause someone bodily harm or property damage, you can be held financially accountable in a court of law!" And to a certain extent, they are absolutely right.

In the case of your liability auto insurance, however, you are liable for your own actions as long as you own or are the primary driver of that vehicle, even if you're not driving particularly irresponsibly. 

With this understanding, it follows that liability insurance is any type of insurance coverage that provides the policyholder with protection against lawsuits for damages resulting from any activity involving risk, i.e. driving a motor vehicle or failing to maintain the shrubbery around their yard.(In this example a homeowners insurance policy would protect a lazy homeowner from damages resulting from overgrown foliage.) When you have purchased auto liability insurance coverage for a vehicle, your liability car insurance policy will protect you from any lawsuit for damages due to bodily injury, death, or property damage resulting from an accident during normal operation of your vehicle.

Nowhere do auto liability insurance plans mention damages to your property or insurance benefits for treatment of your own injuries. Always remember that liability auto insurance is the bare minimum when it comes to auto insurance, but we can at least get you the bare lowest price. For coverage options that offer protection against vehicle repair costs regardless of fault or responsibility, see the Comprehensive Options section of this website.


State Liability Insurance Requirements:

Each state has different liability laws which determine how much auto liability or indemnity insurance is required on each vehicle by that state's department of motor vehicles in order for the vehicle to be considered legal to drive. The three numbers usually associated with these minimum values are called minimum liability limits. Three minimum liability limits determine a liability insurance policy's ability to fulfill each state's unique requirements for insurance against Bodily injury or death as well as for property damage caused by an accident. 

The numbers in the chart below can be read like so: A/B/C A- a minimum requirement for insurance against liability for bodily injuries or death inflicted upon any single person in any single accident. B- a minimum requirement for insurance against liability for bodily injury or death inflicted upon any number of persons in a single accident. C- minimum requirements for insurance against damage to any personal property belonging to any number of persons involved in a single accident.

Covered States
Alabama 25/50/25 Michigan 20/40/10
Arizona 15/30/10 Minnesota 30/60/10
California 15/30/5 Missouri 25/50/10
Colorado 25/50/15 New Mexico 25/50/10
Delaware 15/30/10 North Carolina 30/60/25
Florida 10/20/10_ Ohio 12.5/25/7.5
Georgia 25/50/25 Oregon 25/50/20
Idaho 25/50/15 Pennsylvania 15/30/5
Illinois 20/40/15 South Carolina 25/50/25
Indiana 25/50/10 Tennessee 25/50/15
Iowa 20/40/15 Texas 30/60/25
Kentucky 25/50/10 Utah 25/65/15
Louisiana 15/30/25 Virginia 25/50/20
Maryland 30/60/15 Washington 25/50/10


Do I have to Buy Liability Insurance?

It depends on which state you will be driving in.

Some states offer many statutory ways to prove financial responsibility for your vehicles. 

A vehicle owner in some states can post surety bonds equal to the total amount of liability insurance that would otherwise be required. That means that they get bonded for an amount of money equal to the combined total of all of the liability minimum limits for their state, and file that bond amount with their county comptroller. In the event of an accident, the county officials can then demand that the bond be honored to receive the money for damages caused by the driver's accident whether they be medical expenses, property damage, or both.

Another alternative is self-insurance. This is a process whereby the owner of a vehicle or group of vehicles pays a small fee with the department of motor vehicles or transportation in their city and then assumes all of the legal and fiscal responsibilities of their driving directly (with their bank account). If you have a great deal of money or many vehicles that you drive frequently, this could be an affordable option if you're also a very careful driver.

Whether you like it or not, you will be held accountable for your own actions while driving a vehicle, especially in both Texas and New Mexico. In these two states, the department of motor vehicles has hired private companies to do constant records comparisons that make it impossible to drive without insurance without alerting police the same day that you've done so. 


Too Broke For Anything Else?

If you are only interested in this auto insurance option because you are required to have it, and you have absolutely no spare money to invest in a more robust policy, then at the very least we can get you a rock bottom price on your liability auto insurance policy.

We search through dozens of reputable liability auto insurance providers in and out of Texas in order to bring you free quotes on only the most affordable policies within your budget. In as little as five minutes over the phone, one of the helpful and knowledgeable insurance agents at SkyBlue Insurance Agency Inc. can get you free quotes and a free auto insurance consultation to ensure that you are not paying any more than you have to for the bare-minimum coverage of Texas auto liability insurance!

If we still can't get you any insurance (which is highly doubtful) then you may need to resort to an association of insurers in your state whose goal is to insure every driver in an effort to reduce the number of uninsured drivers overall.

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