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Bundled Insurance Options

Any Number of Vehicles Plus Home Insurance

Bundled insurance policies are also called multi-line insurance policies. Essentially a bundled insurance policy combines any number of auto insurance and/or motorcycle insurance policies into a single easy to read package with a single combined premium payment plan.

Bundling your auto, motorcycle, and home insurance through Eastwood Car Insurance and SkyBlue can save you thousands of dollars per year on both your home and auto insurance simultaneously. In addition to the money-saving benefits of a bundled insurance policy, there are also many brand-specific coverage options that are only available only to preferred customers that purchase more than one line of insurance through the same company. click on read more below to get free quotes on bundled insurance and learn more about insurance bundles.


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What Can I Include In An Insurance Bundle?

A Bundled insurance policy can be created from a combination of home insurance and/ or any number of vehicles including but not limited to the following types:

  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • Motorcycles
  • ATVs
  • RVs
  • Boats & Watercraft

To save the most money, it's a great idea to include your home insurance coverage in your bundle. You will end up paying more money to a single company, so they will be much more willing to offer you discounts and special bundled insurance options. Not all providers offer insurance bundles but many of ours do.

Which Providers Offer Bundled Insurance?

Allied is one of the leading providers of bundled auto and home insurance policies. They offer deep discounts of up to 25-30% off of your annual premium costs, and you can include any number of vehicles in their bundles. 

Beyond Allied, however, Eastwood Car Insurance also offers free quotes on bundled insurance policies from these fine auto insurance providers:

  • Allied
  • Foremost
  • Pacific Specialty
  • Progressive

Different companies offer different time-and-money saving customer benefits with their insurance bundles so when you call be sure to ask your SkyAgent® about what bundled insurance options are available to you. 

What Are The Benefits Of A Bundled Insurance Policy?

First and foremost a bundled insurance policy will save you money on each policy included in the bundle. The logic behind this discount practice is that since there is no competition for profit once a customer does all their shopping with one provider, that provider can then offer their products at a lower rate.

In essence, the more policies you bundle, the more you save. You pay more overall, but get more coverage per dollar with a bundle and you only have to pay a single bill which can be set up on a variety of payment plans through any of our personnel.

Other benefits of an insurance bundle include special claims and service options that vary by provider. Progressive offers vanishing deductibles and the name your own price option, where Foremost offers unlimited roadside assistance and specialized coverage for motorcycles. Ask your agent which company would bundle your insurance policies BEST!


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